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Hazardous Materials First Responders, 5th Edition Course Workbook

ITEM #: 36335 IFSTA

Hazardous Materials First Responders, 5th Edition Course Workbook

Study aid for students using the text as part of a class. Using the workbook will help improve student performance. Instructors may choose to integrate the workbook activities into classes or use them as homework assignments or pre-course work. Different types of questions and activities are used to reinforce different learning styles. References to page numbers are included in the workbook so students can use the product as a self-study tool by referring to the manual for correct answers. The answer key, however, is included only with the instructor's curriculum materials.

Year: 2017
Pages: 153

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MFR#: 36335

UPC: 978-0-87939-618-3

Hazardous Materials First Responders, 5th Edition Course Workbook

Study aid for students using the text as part of a class. Using the workbook will help improve student performance. Instructors may choose to integrate the workbook activities into classes or use them as homework assignments or pre-course work. Different types of questions and activities are used to reinforce different learning styles. References to page numbers are included in the workbook so students can use the product as a self-study tool by referring to the manual for correct answers. The answer key, however, is included only with the instructor's curriculum materials.

Year: 2017
Pages: 153


Hazardous Materials First Responders, 5th Edition Course Workbook

Study aid for students using the text as part of a class. Using the workbook will help improve student performance. Instructors may choose to integrate the workbook activities into classes or use them as homework assignments or pre-course work. Different types of questions and activities are used to reinforce different learning styles. References to page numbers are included in the workbook so students can use the product as a self-study tool by referring to the manual for correct answers. The answer key, however, is included only with the instructor's curriculum materials.

Year: 2017
Pages: 153

Hazardous Materials First Responders, 5th Edition Course Workbook      

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