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IFSTA Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Exam Prep - 6th Edition

ITEM #: 36702 IFSTA

Exam Prep is a self-study tool for students to prepare for end-of-course tests and the written portion of a certification exam. This popular student product includes 729 questions divided among all 16 chapters of Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition.

Each question is page referenced so the user can quickly find the topic in Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition. All items are multiple choice so the student practices the way they will be tested instilling confidence and reducing test anxiety. The answers for each question are in the back of the Exam Prep Print.

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MFR#: 36702

UPC: 978-0-87939-758-6

Exam Prep is a self-study tool for students to prepare for end-of-course tests and the written portion of a certification exam. This popular student product includes 729 questions divided among all 16 chapters of Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition.

Each question is page referenced so the user can quickly find the topic in Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition. All items are multiple choice so the student practices the way they will be tested instilling confidence and reducing test anxiety. The answers for each question are in the back of the Exam Prep Print.


Exam Prep is a self-study tool for students to prepare for end-of-course tests and the written portion of a certification exam. This popular student product includes 729 questions divided among all 16 chapters of Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition.

Each question is page referenced so the user can quickly find the topic in Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition. All items are multiple choice so the student practices the way they will be tested instilling confidence and reducing test anxiety. The answers for each question are in the back of the Exam Prep Print.

IFSTA Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Exam Prep - 6th Edition      

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