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Radiation Safety

ITEM #: 2035 WILEY

Radiation Safety

Provides a comprehensive safety guide on radiation protection with an emphasis on homeland security. Explains how to prepare for incidents and gives instructions on how to deal with a radiological event, covering the roles of first responders/ emergency workers and the roles of professionals in heath care facilities.

Since other possible radiological events (such as industrial and medical radiation incidents, transportation accidents, and releases from fixed nuclear sources) require similar responses, this reference covers the appropriate responses for many types of scenarios.

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MFR#: 9780471793335

UPC: 9780471793335

Radiation Safety

Provides a comprehensive safety guide on radiation protection with an emphasis on homeland security. Explains how to prepare for incidents and gives instructions on how to deal with a radiological event, covering the roles of first responders/ emergency workers and the roles of professionals in heath care facilities.

Since other possible radiological events (such as industrial and medical radiation incidents, transportation accidents, and releases from fixed nuclear sources) require similar responses, this reference covers the appropriate responses for many types of scenarios.


Radiation Safety

Provides a comprehensive safety guide on radiation protection with an emphasis on homeland security. Explains how to prepare for incidents and gives instructions on how to deal with a radiological event, covering the roles of first responders/ emergency workers and the roles of professionals in heath care facilities.

Since other possible radiological events (such as industrial and medical radiation incidents, transportation accidents, and releases from fixed nuclear sources) require similar responses, this reference covers the appropriate responses for many types of scenarios.

Radiation Safety      

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