Confined Space Entry And Emergency Response
Utilizes a realistic scenario-based approach to teach the right way to respond to an incident involving a confined space. Intensive, step-by-step guidance through the challenging maze of training regulations, equipment needs, and procedures, to keep a response team finely tuned and ready to go under any circumstances.
Huge book has detailed coverage of: the basic components of rescue, OSHA's definitions of confined space entry, confined space entry permitting, assessing confined space hazards, hazardous atmosphere and how to protect inhabitants from it, air monitoring in confined spaces, selecting and using personal protective clothing, and the use of ropes and rigging.
CD-ROM includes an instructor's guide with lesson plans, and useful practice tools such as worksheets, exercise handouts, performance checklists, diagrams and equipment lists for field exercises, blueprints for building field training structures, and guidelines for identifying rescue trainers and evaluating their competency as well as that of outside rescue teams.